Saturday, May 8, 2010

New job working for Verizon Business @ Kaiser Permenete

BCMSN Exam passed...

Passed my BCMSN exam last week got 900 out of 1000 - This exam was not nearly as bad as I feared it would be... The actual labs and hands on was about spanning tree path costs and port priority and the second was about HSRP also with a huge testlet of HSRP.

I am now in a rush to take my BSCI exam before July 31st when cisco does away with it for good...

Then I'm going to rock the TSHOOT exam to get my CCNP and complete my certification.

I figured that would be the best path for me... so that's what I'm going to rock!!!! So if everything goes as planned before july 31st there should be a post on here of me saying how I passed my BSCI hahah
