Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lost IOS on Cisco switch or router - fix it now!!!

So you lost your IOS on the switch - and you cant really use TFTP as an option because your switch doesn't have an IP addresses... Well my friends looks like your going XMODEM!!! Yes with hyper terminal you can transfer it over console cable with XMODEM..

3 Things you will need...

1) Console Cable - Easy enough to get.

2) Hyper terminal - this was a pain in the ass for me to get because I have windows vista... I ended up using my Server which had Server 2003 and still had hyper terminal..

3) Switch/Router Firmware - you can download this from Cisco.com with any Cisco account for free.

How to restore IOS with Xmodem

1) You need to use Hyper Terminal.

So connect a windows XP or Server 2003 console cable to the switch.

2) PREP Work
Download the IOS you need for your switch from Cisco.com
type the following commands

If your switch is screwed up which it most likely is or you wouldnt be needing to Xmodem your IOS over....

You should be seeing the "Switch:" prompt which runs when the hardware can not find an valid image.

Type the following:
switch: flash_init
switch: load_helper

3) Copy the config you downloaded to the switch with Xmodem

switch: copy xmodem: flash:NAMEOFYOURIOSFILE.bin

if you get "Permission denied" or "closed by remote" you typed the command wrong - even having a space in the wrong spot will cause it to fail.

Once you type this command you will see
Begin the Xmodem transfer now

This is your prompt to use hyper terminal !
CLICK TRANSFER from the menu uptop in hyper terminal

Browser to your IOS image - MAKE SURE Protocol is set to XMODEM

If you followed the directions correctly the file will start transfering now !!!

Sit back and wait 30Minutes to 2HOURS depending on the IOS size.

Good times... Good times... ;) haha

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dead weight...

I feel good.. i feel DAMN good... But there's a problem... A problem I can’t ignore... I always told myself I wouldn't do what my dad did to

me when I was growing up, I promised if I had a kid - a son - I would be there for him while he grew up no matter what the cost... and I

have tried I have tried my damn best but where do I draw the line, when is enough enough... I'm tired of the fighting... I'm tired of the

Immaturity level she has - so damn tired... I work too damn hard every day not to be happy, I think I deserve to be happy.. People look at

me sometimes and think I have everything.. my friend told me he wishes he had things like me but what is all of my material bullshit

worth if there’s no love in my life... I honestly can’t even remember what it's like to be -in-love- it's been many many years since I felt that

and I forgot what it’s like... I want to be in love again, none of this matters when I'm not even happy...

Am I making excuses?? Am I trying to make shit up so I won’t feel guilty for giving up on my son?? I’m not giving up on my son… I gave

up on his mother- she’s never going to change, I hoped maybe because she was young she would grow out of it and become more

Responsible and be an adult - i was wrong.... so damn wrong...

I love my son – every time i look at him he brings a smile to my face hes gorgeous and I know shes going to keep him from me... but I

can’t keep living like this... something’s got to change I can’t stay with this chick she’s driving me fucking nuts and I just want to be


I'm sorry son - hopefully when your older you will understand... but I can’t stay with this girl anymore - it’s time for me to move on... I'm

Moving on... fuck that!
